Neom Haul & Other Things the Postman Brought

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu

I had a lovely surprise when I got home yesterday. Well, I say surprise - it was no surprise to my debit card that paid for it all! If you follow me on twitter (@sgwennu) you'll know that I got a little over excited when I noticed that there was a 40% off sale on a small selection of products on the Neom Organics website! 

I bought a 'Complete Bliss' candle from a seller on eBay a little while ago, which was Moroccan Rose with Lime and my-oh-my was it beautiful. I love candles but these are just 'super candles'. 

I picked up an Inspiration Home Candle and Reed Diffuser, a Serenity and a Revive Travel Candles. The large candle has three wicks and the small ones have just the one. Disappointing. I just love the packaging and the little touches that come with Neom candles, the box is a bright and rich gold color and feels very sturdy and expensive, with a little quote printed on it - "Life is about choices, even when it doesn't feel that way. Attitude is a choice."

Inspiration is a blend of Violet, Camomile and Cedar-wood. This one doesn't grab me on first sniff, but it develops into something beautiful. It's not too sweet and heady so that it puts you to sleep, it's just sharp enough to keep you alert. I'm hoping that the reed diffuser is going to improve the scent of the office! Serenity is by far my favorite. I don't usually like Vanilla candles because they have this awful sickly sweet scent. This one however, blended with Sandlewood, it becomes this rich and delicious scent. I'm going to go back and buy a full size version of this as soon as I've used it up! It's already burning in my living room.  I'm beginning to think that Revive was a mistake purchase. It smells nice enough but has a bit of a soapy smell to it. It honestly makes me think of bar soap. It is nice and fresh though, so I may well try it out in the kitchen for a little while before I move it to the office. 

Greg and I also received a lovely little thank you card from his sister Olivia, for whom I'd set up a job opportunity as an event photographer. She did a great job! Along with my packages was this lovely little flower. My boyfriend knows his stuff. ^^
That sale is still on by the way, so if you want to pick up a bargain then go for it! I'd get a travel size of anything you're not too sure about - I know buying scents is hard online. Once the sale is over you can resell something you don't like on eBay for more than you paid for it easy, and I'm sure they'll accept returns?

This wasn't a sponsored post, but if Neom PR are reading this, I'll happily "trial" a full size Bliss please! Mine is no more. *sob*

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