
Posted on the 18 March 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
As most of you know, Brian and I got married back in October.  He moved into the house I was already living in so there has been some adjusting that needed to be done over the course of the last five months.  We combined our things into ONE closet, figured out how we jointly want to have the house look, etc.    Living with Brian is nothing less than great, and I mean that.  But combining two people's belongings is hard work.  I know those of you who are married or live with your significant otther can relate.   Last night, I went into our closet to simply put up the laundry.  I ended up in there over an hour "re-organizing" the entire thing.  I separated Brian's clothes out to where he can easily find work clothes verses date clothes.  I should have done that a long time ago.  It would have saved us both time! LOL.   I also cleaned out the shelves in our closet and made a lot more room. Brian asked me if I had caught my second wind.  I guess I did for a little bit.  But that got me to thinking about all the things I wanted to get done around the house.    So I decided when I get home from work today, I want to walk room by room and make a list of things that I can achieve.  That should be good motivation, right?   How did you handle "nesting" with your husband?   Oh, and don't forget I'm over on Katie's blog, A Worker At Home, today, come see me!