…never Forget

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Zer @the2women

It’s Patriot Day, a day of grief, yes, but also remembrance.  Hopefully not just remembrance of the victims and their families, but of the bravery and solidarity during and immediately following the attacks.

Whether or not you’re a flag waver, you’re probably proud of the way we behaved on that day.  Maybe not since, but that day was a sad and shining moment for the United States.

It was on the eve of this, the 11th anniversary of the horrific 9-11 attacks that an agreement was reached for the memorial museum. After a year of financial and political squabbling, they’ve sorted it out just in time for what was meant to be the opening day of the museum.

One might hope that when working on a project meant to memorialize those that lost their lives to senseless violence and blind hatred, fully grown adults might be able to put aside senseless disputes, but one can’t always get what one wants.

The important thing today I suppose is to remember.  And although, it’s corny and sappy, but wouldn’t it be nice if we not only remembered the tragedy, but the camaraderie? Never forget.


“Agreement Reached for Sept. 11 Museum’s Completion”: WSJ

…bi-daily smile…