Yesterday, I ran into someone who’s been through a recent horrible tragedy. As I expressed to them how sorry I am for their loss, there were tears and such sorrow coming from the family. I felt absolutely sick for them, and somehow, I just couldn’t find the perfect words. Maybe because there are no perfect words for moments like those.
It’s weird for me to be at a loss for words. This is what I do, after all. I write. I manipulate words and twist them around to be exactly what I want them to be. On the fly though, it’s different. At least when you write, you can edit yourself as much or as little as you’d like.
Spending a moment with a family who needs words to soothe them completely though me for a loop. I wish so much that I could have had some magic at that moment…something that would have put that moment in perspective. I guess the only thing I can hope for is that the family knows just how much I care. Perhaps a loss of words shows just that. I have to hope.
My song of the day is Jack Johnson’s “Never Know,” a song that expresses not knowing what will come next. Click HERE to hear it, because that’s how I felt yesterday. We never know what will tomorrow will bring no matter how much we care.