New Bedford Half Marathon

Posted on the 12 January 2015 by Mattie @comfyconfident

Hi there! I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was nice to be home and get some stuff done, however I got very distracted by Scandal. I have never seen the show and randomly decided to put on an episode and I am completely hooked. It is so addicting and entertaining. I wasted so many hours watching the show instead of cleaning the house or working on the blog. Opps! Life goes on…

On Saturday, Vinnie and I went out to The Greatest Bar to celebrate a friends 30th birthday. I haven’t been to club type bar in a long time, it was pretty fun and nice to change things up. But, I drank way too much and was worthless all Sunday. It totally screwed up my plans for getting things done. I was so lazy, I couldn’t even cook dinner so we walked to Whole Foods to grab some food. I also picked up some Kevita to try to counteract all the toxins I put into my body. I could use about 5 more!

The one thing I did accomplish was signing up for the New Bedford Half Marathon in March. I finally bite the bullet and registered. I have been thinking about it for a really long time and decided that competing in races is a great way to work at my goals for 2015. I have run a few races but I have never followed a plan to increase my speed and get a faster time. For this race, I have 9 weeks until the race so I have been looking at a few training plans. I want to find one that has a good mix of steady state runs and speed workouts.

Can you recommend any training plans?
Do you have any races coming up?