Gin. Gin is what was missing.
Not gallons, just one perfect, delicious glass beaded with condensation, clinking and scented with lemon.
Last night Fionaoutdoors and I caught up for a long overdue supper and news swap. It was lovely only this time something was missing.
It would come before dinner and a long way before climbing into our cars and driving home. We have no intention of either breaking the law or causing danger to anyone else, but we both like gin.
Last night though, aware of the new legislation we forswore our treat. (The limit is now 50mg instead of 80 mg in 100 ml of blood.) Neither of us knew how much would put us over the limit and we didn't fancy risking it.
So you could say the new limit has been successful, if success is getting two safe and law-abiding individuals to miss out on a single drink.
Do you think though that it had had any effect on habitual drink drivers? Those who say stupid things like "I'm far safer after a few pints because I'm more cautious" or those who drive to work puggled and stinking after a night of booze?
Of course not.
So let's just go the whole hog and make it a zero booze limit. No drink at all and none after, say, 10pm if you're behind the wheel the next day.
It won't help Fiona and I but it might just target the right people, the ones who really are a menace on the roads.