Diaries Magazine

New One Today!

Posted on the 01 August 2012 by Klnelms @klanelms
So.. I am very slow to get back into the swing of blogging.I promise I’m working on the pictures to upload and tell you/show you all about mine and B’s vacay, but until then.. an easy post!And a new link up for me! I saw this over on Natalie's blog and thought it looked cute!   
I think this is where I add in a funny picture of myself... and this is embarrassing.  But here goes: New one today!Yes, they gave me a PLUNGER during Christmas three years ago.  Background: My extra bathroom toilet kept overflowing and they were making fun of me saying I was clogging it up.  (I never use that bathroom, like ever.)  So they all thought this would be cute to do to me in front of everyone.  Real cute family.  Real cute.  Oh, and let me add... it was THE TOILET, not me, having an issue.  And it's fixed now! ;)    New one today!Normally I'd say that I am savoring the summer, but since we just had vacation and I know it's coming to an end soon, then I have already started thinking about Fall I admit. And that's very odd for me to say because I am a summer baby by far.  But I am kind of ready to start Fall decorating and wearing some big comfy sweaters and hit the year mark with my sweetie pie!New one today!  
New one today!I think I will choose to overlook the word "healthy" in this question.  When I need quick, I fix tacos.  Which is what B and I will have tomorrow night when we roll in from his ballgame at 9:30pm!  See why it's not "healthy".... ?  New one today!I haven't shopped at a mall in so long I'm not sure I remember how.  I don't really "shop" anywhere.   I am HUGE yard sale girl, so that's where most of my stuff comes from.  Yes, I am female saying I don't shop at the mall.  Sure, there are LOTS there I want, but I live alone & have a house full of bills to pay alone.  A sister has to do what a sister has to do.  And I don't care that you wore it last year.  I'll wear it better this year! ;)New one today!New one today!Renovate an old one by far.  I like new houses, but I love the charm of an older home that's been brought back to life.  Some of the imperfections of my home are my favorite parts of it. New one today!Well, I have done both and while short hair is cooler, easier, and more comfortable- I am going with long hair on me.  I think it looks better on me than short, and my baby likes my hair long. So long it is! New one today!          Don't you agree?   New one today!Whitney.  She and I were put together in 5th grade and we've been bff's ever since. =) New one today!Holy Moly... I now see why people think I lost weight... in my face I have!  Whew..
New one today!Hmmmm...there are lots that I follow that I love.  To pick a favorite is HARD.  But I think I will go with my friend Mallorie over at Happy Home.  She and I have been blog buddies since before she was married and now she is a mommy to a precious little girl and an adoring wife.  It's just incredible to see someone's life unfold and you feel emotions with them, and have never once met them.  That's why I blog.  I love my blog friends. Oh, and if you don't read Mallorie's blog, you should!  
Now, go link up your 7 questions with Gentri!!
New one today!

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