New Ryka Shoes
Posted on the 04 April 2013 by Paige
Yesterday I signed up for Duolingo. Duolingo is a free site for learning languages. It's fairly fun but not as addictive as they claim it is. I think I will learn from it.
The day after the Oakville Beaver editor died they changed the format of the newspaper! I don't like the new format. Maybe it's because I don't like change. I do like the new weather spot on the front page though.
When mom got home today she took my sister and I shoe shopping. I bought new running shoes, so did my sister and mom. I don't know about the new shoes, I mean my other ones are okay, I've only had them two years and they are not completely worn out yet. I hate change. I would be happy to just get a size up of my old shoes but they don't have them anymore. The ones I got are good, they look nice, they're black and the marketing on the box was good. I'm not sure if the product is yet. I liked another pair that were purple but they didn't have my size. One pair I tried on looked like clown shoes on my feet. I have a hard time making decisions, I knew no matter which ones I picked I would regret it and want the ones I left behind. I think I like the ones I picked though.
On the way home I asked if we could pick up Pad Thai at the Spoon and Fork. Mom asked me to run in and get it but I couldn't. I was scared of something, the new, the unknown, I don't know, I just couldn't do it. Eventually we all went in and it's a good thing because it was the scariest restaurant EVER! Actually it was completely fine except for the large front doors that looked like both push and a pull doors. I couldn't decide which to do so I just kind of did nothing and leaned against it gently, sort of pushing and sort of pulling. Obviously nothing was happening and mom had to rescue us from the doorway.
Question for English majors: Are the highlighted sentences grammatically correct or should there be a comma instead of a period because the second one is a dependent sentence?