Self Expression Magazine

New Season, New Year = Resolve.

Posted on the 27 June 2011 by Jenrene
Every new year I get little messages if I listen close enough to my spirit. I heard a few messages from God about heaven coming to earth.I have been reading a book about pursuing God’s way – called The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. I learned JOY is conditional, and finding it, is rare. I find JOY in being obedient and acquiescing to whatever God sends my way.Post 2010, I have an unspoken peace.2010 was very challenging.I didn’t really like several parts of it. 2009 was even more challenging than last year! I am beginning to wonder if life is really getting harder, or it’s just me learning the challenge of how to endure. I believe no matter what the task, I am falling in line, though. I am happy, but life does not become easier. Why do we think it has to ? I am not sure why we think it has to.All I know is, I have to cultivate the happiness I have, and make it be the very best I ever have.Last year, I wrote a book; I started a new business venture and thoroughly enjoyed it; I traveled to Daytona Beach Fla. planning a trip with my husband that we have wanted to do for a while; I even went to a family reunion in Atlanta Ga.! We had an awesome time! I spent time with my parents, which I consider to be a blessing, being that they live so far away…I walked away from 2010 being a such stronger person, despite the challenges. I embraced them. I didn’t hold back, I allowed myself to GROW from each and everyone.I had a few losses, I grieved…I was ready for change.Change came near the end of the year!So what did I learn??I am MUCH STRONGER than I thought. I have learned I must affirm myself and my challenges have need for reflection. When I reflect, I end up soaring from the challenge. When I cringe, I don’t allow my self to grow.I am a better person the more I strive to accept myself and to allow others to be themselves. I was severely impressed how in my newfound maturity, I have found a greater resolve.Don’t run from resolve it actually pursues you. As you slow the pace of your life, your life speaks to you, if you allow for reflection. I believe when you take one step, God takes two. I believe strongly your destiny leads you forward. There was an awesome job waiting for me at the end of this year that not only pays well, but causes me to reach for more purpose and more resolve within myself! I have a church home that nudges me in my growth pattern and I have a warm home, in a new state. I love the change. I feel rewarded. Despite the year, the rewards for self-sacrifice have been fruitful. Selah. If you want to see some of the paths I took to find resolve, take a peek here. My Resolve- by jenrene

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