New Season's Market Part Two

Posted on the 08 May 2012 by Healthhungry @Healthhungry
I love sunshine!!!  It woke me up at 6am and made me want to get started with my day!  I dropped Meatball off at doggy daycare by 7:30am this morning and got to the store before they opened, HA!  It was a chance for me to write my list before I headed in.  New Season's Market makes me giddy...
I bought some exciting things that I have not cooked with before - Coconut flour, Cocoa Nibs, and Cacao Powder - all on sale this week!  Each trip to my favorite store means I get this...
 Mmmmmmm almond milk latte - I even got it leaded today(and I'm feeling it - okay, so maybe I lied when I said yesterday that I don't like how caffeine makes me feel - sometimes it feels so damn good in the moment - ask me how I like it in 3 hours...)
 And with my latte I enjoyed this... not my favorite flavor - but I LOVE this brand!
 New Season's has the best floral department; so many unusual things - all very appealing to me!
 I'm realizing just how much I have a thing for trees...
 And terrariums!  Have you seen them?  So cool!
 Recently I saw my first "air plant"... have you see them around?  A plant that needs just air to survive - with just a spritz of water every once in a while, sounds perfect!  Yes?
 Even better, I could hang them on a tree!!!  Graham, are you reading this? ;)
I have put my groceries away, and am now sitting in my office looking at this...
I get to go and check out something very exciting now... remember when I said there were some changes coming on the Health Hungry front that I'd tell you about?  Well it's getting closer...