I was reading about Twitter’s new look for their profiles when low and behold, my account got updated with the new look. Yes how amazing is this.
My old look…
Old Twitter Profile, well just before I said yes change to the new one!
My new look on Twitter…
My new look on Twitter
Twitter is rolling out the new look to everyone so be patient. I’m sure you will get your turn soon. While you wait, why not check out some other profiles that have the new look on their twitter account.
So what do you need to know?
- New dimensions for images; Cover image is 1500 x 500 pixels & Profile image is 400 x 400 pixels. Note: I found that adding my new cover image with recommended dimensions 1500 x 500 pixels it was rather pixelated and blurry. Geek Sugar is saying to upload your cover image as 1252 x 626 pixels to ensure it will not be pixelated. I will give this a go and see if it works.
- Profile image now sits on the side and no text is over this cover photo
- Cover image allows for calls to action, collage of photos and so much more. Why not change your cover image to align with seasons, products and giveaways.
- Pinned Tweets – You can now pin tweets to the top of your timeline
- High Performing Tweets – Tweets that are popular and performing well get displayed in bigger text than other tweets. To have high performing tweets, they will either be retweeted, favoured and shared more than others.
- Tweet Filtering – You can now filter by just tweets or tweets and replies. When you visit another profile page you can chose what tweets you wish to see. You can filter them. If you want the tweets with tweets, tweets with photos & videos, or tweets and replies. As this is new I have to give it a go and see what works.
- Who to follow & Trends can be found on the other side of the page. Yes it has moved to the right hand side of the page.
So happy planning and fixing up your new looking Twitter Page and I hope this has helped you with the changes on Twitter.
Do you like the new changes to Twitter? Send in your comments or why not continue the discussion on Twitter or Facebook.
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