Self Expression Magazine

New Year Eh... Hmmm.

Posted on the 06 January 2010 by Stealthbeggar @stealthbeggar
Hello, everyone out there in internet land. I swear one day I'll get round to making friends on this thing, once I'm done with Life. I guess that's yet again what this post is going to be about. It's been a while since I posted because my wonderful roommate decided to take off with the modem at a moment's notice, which he was within his rights to do seeing as it was his, but still got under my skin because he told me his new house had an internet connection and he'd give me at least a week to sort something out. Anyway, no matter, I got a faster connection and did away with the stupid home phone so this way it'll end up cheaper in the long run. The modem they sent came through the festive period shutdown, a postie strike, and Christ knows what else to get here so we were gagging for it by the time it got here.
Anyway, Christmas was a lot of fun and all, I decided to put my saving to move on hiatus seeing as I had to outlay quite a bit of cash to furnish my house after the roommate left. The result of that was a really enjoyable festive season in general, even though I was working a lot and the sex that I was led to believe was going to happen (she called and asked if we could ok, I wasn't assuming anything that hadn't been explicitly stated) didn't (she called it off at the last moment and I respected her wishes, being the gent I am). I spent Christmas day with the girl I was in the non-relationship with, which was nice because otherwise I probably would have been getting drunk on my own. As someone who's not particularly close to his family I value any company I keep, and she was great to spend time with.
New Years was also good fun. There was a lot of booze involved and I was drinking with my workmates, who all seem to be good fun. I don't deny that I'd couple with about 90% of the females I work with given the chance, even though most of them are married/otherwise taken/have kids. The guys are all fun too in that we can laugh and have a joke but come work we're all respectful of each others professional outlook (though 'professional outlook' is used loosely here). I went out after the house party we had, though I don't remember leaving, and didn't actually drink anything there. I remember leaving the taxi and walking around and being in quite a good mood, but honestly it's such a shitfight on new years to get in anywhere that it's just not worth it. I bought some pizza, dropped one slice on my shoe, and as I was considering picking it up anyway to eat it, the guy next to me did just that. I was all 'Dude, that was mine!' until I realized that I was fighting over what amounted to Floor Pizza, so I left it.
A couple of other little tidbits that are on my mind at the moment. New Years resolutions can work if you make them nice and general. I'm trying to make two - 'Bring everything into more moderation', which is going nicely thus far. I'm not cutting anything out just trying not to go to extremes. The second is 'Give less of a shit about other people and live for yourself'. On reflection I've done far too much for, because and to other people in the last year or two especially, so I'm going to try and make this one more about me. I know I could certainly stand it
It galls me that people call shit like not wanting to watch the cricket 'Un-Australian'. If not wanting to watch something that bores me makes me such a thing then fuck it I'll own that tag, you ignorant fuckwipe. I think the two things that shit me about this sort of term are that firstly it's often used by retards who seem to mean it jokingly without realizing how needlessly offensive it is (and trust me, I'm totally antinationalisic. If you've heard anyone mention national pride around me you'll know my stance on this kind of crap), and second, that it's used for shit that doesn't even mean anything. You don't wanna watch sport? Holy shit then disown your country why don't you? What happened to high treason and things like that for being an offense worthy of invoking nationality? Christ, get over it people.
Anyway, it's late and I think I'd better end it there. Knew I couldn't go without a whinge of some sort.

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