New Year, New Projects

Posted on the 13 January 2015 by Blackmageheart @Blackmageheart

Has it really been so long since I posted? I guess I got distracted…again! No matter, here I am back once more and with some stitchings too!

IMG_20150113_180015Here we have a Golden Axe dragon statue, Aarbon from Shadow of the Beast (the purple dude), a lovely fairy from Link to the Past, Shiva from Final Fantasy VI and a grumpy-looking Boo. They’re all on plastic and I haven’t cut them out yet, because I have been busy with my WIPs.

IMG_20150113_180100This will be Adam from Streets of Rage when it’s done. Right now it’s just the black. :)

I know it’s not a new project, but I’ve also been working on my Arena stitching:

IMG_20150113_181653It’s really starting to look like something now, instead of just a weird brown blob!

And finally, KingCon 2015 was announced! I really want to get a table again but the price has gone up dramatically. I think it’ll probably be worth it though. Watch this space!