New Year’s Resolutions…is There Any Point?

Posted on the 31 December 2012 by Bellshann @bellshann

We all make New Year’s resolutions every single year and we almost never stick to them..right? Well this year, I am determined! I’m going to make three…ambitious I know!

No. 1….BE MORE ORGANISED. I love organisation, yet I never seem to be organised. I have a Filofax and never use it. I have cupboards and drawers yet everything just gets thrown everywhere! This year, I plan to be organised…and if I’m feeling reaaaaally ambitious, I’ll say that I wont leave anything till the last-minute

No.2…SEE FRIENDS MORE. I have some truly fabulous friends, but I don’t see them nearly enough. So this plan is simple, hopefully I shall see more of my loved ones.

No.3…STAY HEALTHY. No, this is not a diet. I am well aware I don’t need to lose weight, I am aware however that I am probably not as healthy as I could be. I’m not cutting out the bad stuff, because we all know that’s impossible, but I am adding in the good stuff!

So everybody, I wish you all a very happy new year!