So here we are, the first set of pictures from my trip to NYC!
As I'm sure you've all been unavoidably aware, I'm kinda bombarding my blogs and networks with New York bits and bobs at the moment, but I just want to finally piece it all together into five daily posts to summarise the experience, and fondly close the cover on that lovely little photo album for good!
I also recorded daily vlogs, which can be found at the bottom of each post, and links to the outfit of the day posts of each day from Scarphelia ETC.
I couldn't have possibly imagined a more photogenic city, and these were just a handful of the incredible shots we managed to capture on just our first day.
However, there's one very important picture that is missing so far that simply cannot be overlooked, and I beg you excuse the quality as it was taken on my phone (as you can imagine I didn't really have a moment to think) so here it is, duh, duh, duhhhhhh...
Yup, I only went and bumped into LUANNA PEREZ.
I guess to most reading this, you'll now be faced with expressions of slight puzzlement mixed with wondering if you should know who this girl is. But to be honest, her identity is somewhat irrelevant to how absolutely bombastic and kind of scary this coincidence was.
This is Luanna Perez, world famous fashion blogger at 'Le Happy'.
On the plane the day before, Flossie and I had made a New York Bucket list - a compilation of around 50 things that we wanted to do, see or achieve whilst we were there, ranging from the super easy to the crazily unfeasible.
Flossie and I have both been long time avid readers of 'Le Happy' - in fact I can remember when I was about 16, she was the reason why I dyed my hair bright cherry red and got sent home from school for it.
From just generally following her online presence, I knew she lived in New York. But that was it, and New York is a big old place - it wasn't like I knew even what borough or district she lived in, let alone any areas she would hang out or go to college or anything.
For fun, we whacked meeting her on the bucket list with a dry 'Ha, imagine.'
. . .
On our first morning, we awoke and decided to treat ourselves to a traditional breakfast of a world-famous NYC bagel.
We walked for a little while, found a place we liked the look of... but the menu was just strange. The only fillings were 'Lox', 'Scallion' and other strange such items (see here for reference) and so we decided to move on to find somewhere better.
We wandered a further few blocks without the slightest clue as to direction or destination, and found another little bagel place. But again, we were completely underwhelmed by the options.
A little deflated and growing rapidly more hungry, we found a third nearby, but as soon as we stepped in, we knew we were going to be faced with the same problem.
Whilst Floss set about trying to work out what exactly these bizarrely-named foodstuffs actually were, I excused myself for a moment to see if there was any better places in my eyeline. I stepped outside the cafe for the briefest of seconds, the sole focus on my mind why in god's name it was so hard to find a decent salt beef bagel in this damned city, and directly before me, Luanna Perez just... walks past.
There are 8.5 million people in New York City.
There was only 1 I could have dreamt of bumping into.
And on our first day, on our very first morning, due to an unsuccesful bagel-hunting mission, that one in eight and a half million just... walks past.
That genuinely kind of scares me.
There are some things in life which are just too damned ridiculous to be a coincidence.
And I have no idea how, why or what the hell, but they always somehow seem to happen to me.
Anyway, we chatted briefly, took a quick selfie (if anything to validate I hadn't dreamt this whole thing) and then parted ways, returning to an incredulous Floss.
And I'm pretty sure I'll always regard that as the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened to me.
To find out more about the adventures we got up to (and to see first hand the aftermath of meeting my idol) make sure to take a peek at our daily NYC vlogs below - This day's vlog is Day 1, and the day before, including our flight and other such adventures, is listed directly below this under Day 0.
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