Nibble Promptly! – Voting Time

Posted on the 10 September 2013 by Meera

Whoa..! My blog's birthday party comes to an end. I am so very glad now that it went all lively as I wished and also overwhelmed with your response to the ‘Nibble Promptly’ fun contest. I believe it also served as a platform to get to know some wonderful people from this blogging world. Thank you buddies for your support and interest. Indeed it encouraged me to think about hosting some more parties.. will see what's in store... J

I must say, your adventures were like a collage of fun, romance, misery, mystery, comedy, comical and some wonderful lessons learnt too.. altogether it was a delightful and entertaining mix to read. Creativity at its best..! Hats off to you guys!! Okay.. now I am not going to dilly dally in this post, while I straight away come to the point.IT'S TIME TO VOTE!!!

Yup.. and *YOU* are going to be one of the juries. While the special judge Ms. Sandra Tyler is now having her tough time picking her favorite Super Nibbler, here comes an opportunity for you to choose your favorite nibbles. Check out this month’s The Woven Tale Press, an eclectic culling of the blogging web. Just like you all, I am also curious to know who is going to get published this time.

Please do remember to read all the entries before you choose your top 2 favorite stories and tell us what impressed you to vote for it. Most importantly, I request you to keep in mind to vote for your favorite stories rather than your favorite bloggers.

Vote in the comment section of this post.  And please don’t be ‘anonymous’ while voting. Here is the voting format.
  1. Story title.
  2. Story title.
Voting time starts from the moment this post is published here.. and it will be open till 19th September. I am going to moderate my comments from now on so that it will come as a surprise at the end to know which story picks the most favorite vote.

Being a host, I enjoyed thoroughly your adventures and so my vote is for each one of you. Since already you gained your first vote for your stories, now is the time to read others' entries, share your opinions and finally vote for your favorites too.Btw, those who entered in this fun contest, please click HERE and collect your 'Cool Nibbler'badge and flaunt it in your blog, well, if alone you desire. You are certainly cool... and you rock!!!

Here are the links to those cool nibbles of 'Nibble Promptly...!'
  1. Incredible Cupcake
  2. In Search Of True Love
  3. A Magical Dream Indeed!
  4. Nostalgic for Thou!
  5. Caged! 
  6. Into Wonderland...
  7. The Mysterious Bite! 
  8. The Humble Feed..
  9. Of Flowers In The Hair, English-speaking Cupcakes and Other Things 
  10. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
  11. A Birthday Bash and An Adventure 
  12. Short Story : A lesson in disguise
  13. The Black Forest Trip
  14. Spells Of Chocolate
  15. Rattled Ratty Party
  16. Page 3 : Celebrity Bites
Enjoy the fantasy out of the world experience...  Then get ready to vote and be a real good judge...  I am waiting to see who are all going to grab the trophy cup from A Rat’s Nibble and the cheese from me... JWith no doubt, I can assure you will have a good time with all these cool nibbles. So.....Happy Reading...!!