Self Expression Magazine

Nick Cave At Grumpy & The Dreaded One's Little Cafe Of Awesome

Posted on the 24 December 2015 by Lee Bemrose @LeeBemrose
Nick Cave At Grumpy & The Dreaded One's Little Cafe Of AwesomeIn my banged up little cafe... this is Nick Cave. He has written some of the most hauntingly brilliant love songs I've ever heard. I'm quite the fan. His writing can be exquisite and it can be exhilarating.
I watched a few passersby stop and say things to him. I saw a fellow customer get up from her table to say something to him.
But I chose to leave him alone, as much as I'd like to have had a conversation with him. He's a human. He's lost a son quite recently. He looked like he just wanted some quiet time.
And that's how I blew my chance to say I spoke to Nick Cave.

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By Cinnamon Basil
posted on 24 December at 19:12

By the way Lee, love the name of your cafe <3

By Meg Huston
posted on 24 December at 18:37

Lovely. You are fortunate. And your restraint is honorable.

By Muriel Grimont
posted on 24 December at 16:47

He obviously knew you were there, maybe you served him a drink. And I am sure he deeply appreciated your respectful attitude. Respect is a big proof of love too! And as Cinnamon said, you ll probably get a chance to talk to him in the future. Your behavior was lovely and delicate.

By Murrium Uddin
posted on 24 December at 16:08

Lovely X karma is not always bad.... Maybe you will get your chance to speak to him again X maybe he's seen your photo? Who knows X thoughtful picture X

By Cinnamon Basil
posted on 24 December at 15:46

Love this Lee. I understand your respect. Maybe in the near future you will get a chance to speak to him <3