
Posted on the 21 January 2013 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

My name is Kimberly Tay Shu Yen and throughout 18 years of my life, I’ve came across a number of different nicknames. I haven’t actually counted but I’ll just type out whatever that comes to mind. Here goes :)

This nickname has been about for a pretty long time, since I was 9 years old (standard 3) when my parents made me my first email – At that time, almost everyone was using hotmail accounts I guess :P. I created my Friendster (it’s dead. LOL) account and Facebook account with this email. Somehow this nicknamed stuck on till this day. Not everyone calls me Kimee Tay but everyone know that Kimee Tay is me :) There are Kimy(s), or Kimmi(s) or Kimi(s) or Kimmee(s) etc but I think there’s only one Kimee Tay in the world. Muahahahaha. Don’t believe me? Try searching Kimee Tay on Google. My Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and blog would come up. My nickname is so cool/weird/unique, I am so proud :D However, people always misspell this nickname of mine just cause other spellings get the same pronunciation :(

2. KIM
Every single Kimberly in this world has this nickname. Famous Kim(s) include the pregnant out of wedlock Kim Kardashian, and Kim Possible. Haha. It’s such a common nickname I don’t have much to say on this nickname. Well, almost everyone calls me Kim, it’s a simple and easy to pronounce one syllable word. I mean what could go wrong? Almost anyone I know, regardless of age and race can pronounce this right :P. So yeah, I guess this nickname has been with me since birth maybe?

I spot the letters K, I and M on the keyboard ;)

Only one person calls me by this nickname – my grandmother :) Maybe it’s because she can’t pronounce Kimee. Haha. My grandmother is so so so de cute :D

I guess this is a Chinefied (chinese version of) Kimberly created by my elder sister. LOL.

Only 2 person calls me this – HanepK and Nana. Haha. It’s so funny cause whenever someone calls out Kimber, I’d know that it’s either HanepK or Nana. No one else ever calls me this except them :) (They never thought of this together. Both HanepK and Nana do not know each other. LOL)

My dad calls me Kimbo just for fun sometimes :)

Only Azzam (one of my best buds) calls me this. This nickname came about when I wore skinny jeans/khakis. According to Azzam, it made my legs look like carrot. Haha. And he still calls me this sometimes just to annoy me.

Ohhmaigawd. Yeah, I get called this a number of times throughout my entire life by people who can’t pronounce ‘L’.

Double the Ohhmaigawd. Yeah! And I get called this by those who can’t pronounce ‘R’. –..-“

10. AMOI
Usually only the Malays and Indians call me this. No Chinese would call another Chinese ‘Amoi’ cause they know it’s annoying. I’m quite used to it now but that doesn’t mean I like being called ‘Amoi’.

HAHAHAHAHA! This nickname only existed here in this college! Never have I ever thought that someone would call me this. One of the security guards of the college (the oldest of them all) started calling me Belly (maybe he didn’t know how to pronounce Kimberly) instead of Kim. I mean normally people take the front part of their name to be the nickname right? LOL. And the other security guards followed him so now all the security guards of KMTPh calls me Belly!

Murni just loves calling me ‘Kimberly Tay Chooo Yen’ for no reason at all! LOL

Another creation of Murni’s. –..-“

When I was younger, maybe 8 years ago, during my primary school years, my brother called me and my younger sis Dumbo and Dumb Dumb. I chose to be called Dumbo instead of Dumb Dumb as Dumbo sounds more adorable right? Haha.

I remember how this came about even though it’s been like 8 years maybe? It was during one of the English lessons in primary school. The teacher, Madam Loong wrote the date on the board and asked us to read after her. Then she explained “This is February okay. Not Kimberly.” And my classmates teased me with that name for a couple of days. LOL.

I get called a weirdo once in a while for doing weird stuff I guess? I don’t really mind being called a weirdo because for me, weird = unique :) So yeah, I like being unique. Oh and by the way, my weirdo partner is Nazhif. Haha :P

Yeap. I get called something-berry often when I was in primary school. But as I grow up, I get called these berry names lesser and lesser. Haha.

I guess that’s all of the nicknames I could remember so far. Quite a number of nicknames people came up with. Haha. These are just the ones in English! There are also nicknames in Chinese e.g. 男人婆,飞机场 Haha! I don’t even  remember. Hope you had a great time reading this post :

Smile :) Muehehehehehe :P