
Posted on the 08 May 2014 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

I remember back when I was 18, 19, 20.. that cool feeling i loved when I'd go for a drive late at night in my blue '78 Oldsmobile Delta 88. Just me, alone with my music and my thoughts. No responsibility. No cell phone. Completely disconnected. You know how hard that is to do nowadays? Don't get me wrong, it's nice being connected, sharing pictures, videos, whatever. But to disconnect completely and lose yourself in those perfect songs that always sound the best at night.. you can't beat it.

This is one of those songs.

If it's not late at night and you're reading this, go somewhere dark and quiet before you press play. If you've seen the movie Drive you'll recognize it. If you haven't seen Drive, then go see Drive. You'll be hooked from the opening scene and you'll know why I love this song as the electronic version of it plays over the opening credits. Trust me.

Go for a drive..

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