No date again, woe is me! How many of us have sat at home wondering why we don’t have a date? How many of us have gone to a bar to look for a girl, found someone interesting and just froze? What should we say to her? What is a good pick up line? Questions, questions, questions! Help!
Those of us who know how to use the internet instinctively say, “Google it!” In the search tab, you type in, “how to pick up girls” and hope for the best. You then receive a plethora of websites offering you information from the best of the best. THE experts! Or so you assume. One site says there are plenty of people who are good at picking up girls, but cannot explain their art. If they cannot explain, then what good are they to us? Do they describe which girls are they trying to pick up? What kind of girls were these, real or imagined?
Reading off my iPhone, I said, “Baby, I’m no Fred Flintstone but I can make your Bedrock.” OK, I agree with you. That is lame.
She leaned toward me seductively and said, “Go Google again!” Was she being rude to me or not? I have no idea. I think she had learned the true art of diplomacy, which is the ability to tell someone to go to hell so that he actually looks forward to the trip.
You obviously realize that it is important to make a good first impression. The first impression is vital. It is difficult to correct a bad first impression. Oh, the pressure, the pressure. You only get one chance to do it right!
Going up to a girl at a bar, saying, “What is a girl like you doing in a place like this?” will probably earn you a smirk. Not only is the line antiquated, but it seems to work only in the movies, and sometimes not even there. The only time I tried that line, the girl said it was her bar and that I should not refer to it as “such a place”.
Oh, what should I do? What should I do?
The internet provides contradicting information. What’s new? When you are searching for something in your field, you understand whether it sounds right or not. But if your understanding is close to zero, how can you define what is right and what is not?
Somehow you need to hone your non-existent skills. Somehow you need more practice. Somehow you need experienced friends.
Looking at my friends and hearing their stories, I wonder, does experience really help?
Oh, crap! Kill me now!
This was an excerpt from my book, “Kill Me Now!“