I started on this photography course yesterday, with the hope that I might become more experimental when it comes to photography. I seem to have an addiction for close-ups. All you need is an uniform background and a soft focus to get a pretty shot. You don't even have to try hard. All other kind of photos (portraits, landscapes, sports) usually take more effort. You need a lot of time, and the willingness to "waste" a lot of it.
Not even time helped me today. I kept doing one mediocre shot after the other, and it kept frustrating me. I just wanted my photos to be a reflection of the beautiful surroundings I looked at. But no. I tried to remind myself and accept that the camera doesn't see what my eyes do. Acceptance is the first step towards progress. I don't really know what to expect, anyway. After all, I did an assignment on bad photos.
To be honest, I'm a little sad about going back to Bergen next week and starting school. I know it means another semester with cockroaches in our kitchen, rainy, dark weather most of the time and being without S. At least I have photography and art, and the reminder of that there is only one semester left at my school. What a relief!