Self Expression Magazine

No Respect

Posted on the 19 March 2013 by Jhouser123 @jhouser123

I consider myself a respectful person, but like many others I have no respect for some things, like terrorist organizations or anti-semitism.  I could go on all day about that, but instead I thought it would be more interesting if I asked some random people what they had no respect for, and the answers were pretty great.  I picked a few to talk about today,so let’s see what they were.  (Keep in mind, these are not necessarily my viewpoints, they are those of the people who were surveyed.)  Here were the top 3.

No Respect

The new version of a punk.

3. Punks

The word “punk” came up a lot in the survey and and when I started to think about why, I realized that if you take the stereotypical view of a punk teenager from before my time, it was a skinny white kid that wore baggy jeans, a wife beater, and a bandanna and who probably drove a Jeep with no doors and the top off but that isn’t so true anymore.

Clearly that has changed because now if you type “punk” into Google you end up with a lot of black leather, hair dye, and the fan pages for Green Day, The All American Rejects, and then about 400 other bands I have never heard of.  I never really saw very many punks when I was in high school, but apparently people who are around them a lot tend to have no respect for them.

2. Idiot or Immature Teenagers

Everyone hates idiot teenagers.  This group of people ranged from kids who drive like they belong in one of the Fast and the Furious movies, to pot smokers, all the way to one person saying “any idiot teenager in juvenile detention” which I will assume was the response of a 45 year old white male who these teenagers call “the man,” but you can never be sure.

No Respect

Typical immature teen, forgets he only has one mouth, but is holding two beers.

I hear all the time that the reason teenagers are so immature is because of technology, or because of violent television, or video games that are corrupting our minds, but I think teens today are right around where teens back in the day were.  Phone pranks are now replaced with Facebook pranks, racing (and crashing) parent’s cars has turned into racing (and crashing) or own cars, and smoking pot has become… well that hasn’t changed much I guess.  Still, the teenagers of the 70′s and 80′s used up all the old pranks and jokes, so we just had to come up with new, better ones to keep up.  I blame those people, who just so happen to be our parents now.  So there.

That brings us to number 1, the least respected group of people is…

No Respect

I sometimes wet myself for attention too, said a 3 month old child.

1. The Facebook Drama Queen (or King)

Everyone knows someone who takes their innermost feelings and puts them on Facebook, but everyone also knows someone who takes their innermost feelings, multiplies them by 1000, then posts obscure references to them so you have to ask what they are talking about.  Ever see someone post just a frown?  Seeing “:(” on my news feed with no context or explanation is grounds for unfriending.  If I see someone post that, I figure if they made the choice to post it, they also made the choice that they mean nothing to me.  I am not saying being sad on Facebook is bad, I am saying being an over-dramatic whining child on Facebook makes me want to cry.

I guess my hate of these people is not something I am alone in.  Over 50% of the people who answered the survey agreed that this is the person who deserves the least respect out of anyone.  So next time you ask someone why they are posting sad faces on Facebook and they reply “you wouldn’t understand, its personal” remind them that there is a difference between the things you think in your head and the things you can post in public.  And if you were wondering, yes, anyone in this category also falls into the Immature Teenagers category, so it can give you double reason to not respect them.

I hope you now have less respect for some people in your life, and if you want to be a part of the surveys in the future, make sure you subscribe to my blog, like us on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, comment on this, and come back next time.

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