Noise Pollution

Posted on the 20 February 2013 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

Welcome to my site. You may want to check out my book, "Kill Me Now!". Thanks for visiting!

What has noise pollution got to do with dating? Good question! It also means that you have not been reading my blog. I will tell you anyway.

Noise pollution while sleepingIt is no secret anymore that my Sharon snores. Kill Me Now! I first mentioned it in this post, sleeping with the enemy. I probably also do, but she falls asleep so quickly that she does not hear if I snore or not. At times her snore can be so loud, that I am scared it will wake up the neighbors.  Sometimes it is louder than others and it has different sounds. Maybe one day I will write a song about it. Today a solution was posted by the Blondie comic strip. Of course I am not going to use the solution but I found it amusing as a solution for noise pollution:

Solution for Noise Pollution

I better be careful what I write as I have a feeling that Sharon also reads this blog. Oh, Kill Me Now! I hope that when we get married we will not have separate rooms. I guess it would have an effect on a sex-life. Maybe you can make appointments to have sex?