Not Another Wish List

Posted on the 07 February 2012 by Aira @airamabs

1. Moleskine LEGO Limited Edition Notebooks (Buy)

I am banning myself from buying notebooks because I own more than I can use in a lifetime. But when I saw these, I think I might make an exception.

Not Another Wish List

2. Sunbeam Cupcake Maker (Buy)

CUPCAKES. Enough said.

Not Another Wish List

3. Tiffany & Co. Eyeglasses (Buy)

Not Another Wish List

Not Another Wish ListNot Another Wish List

4. Kindle 3 Lighted Cover (Buy)

I need a new one because the one I that currently have has just left the building. Just now, like literally. My darling baby boy got a hold of it while I was sleeping. Don’t ask.