Not Dry July; Fit July

Posted on the 07 July 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

So, although I’m not much of a planner, I want to turn that around.  I know that others maintain successful fitness routines with proper planning, and less slacking     So here is my July plan (click to enlarge) >

So the workouts aren’t really organised in terms of best-fitness, more what can I fit in around my schedule, and what is on at the gym.  For example, yoga is only on Sundays, and I can only fit that duration of cardio on Saturdays (which btw, will be combination walk/jog, building up as I improve).  Also, Step is only on Wednesday’s and I really enjoy that (well as much as you can enjoy the pain!).

As you can see, I have cheated and put in the first few days of my stats for the first few days of the month, looking pretty good so far 

Any suggestions/recommendations?