Not Just for Tuesdays.

Posted on the 22 May 2016 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

My friend Bradley started a new feature on his blog called " What's your Muse? " and he interviewed me for it because he's awesome.

Of course, you already what my muse is- it's just like soylent green.

It's people!

People just like you.

The interview isn't just about inspiration. Bradley also quizzed me a little on blog design. Okay, actually- he asked me one little innocent question and I wrote him a novel of thought because internet design is one of my favorite hobbies.

Pop on over and say hey- share your design tips with me. I'd love to hear them.

A Conversation with Ra

[Comments closed here because I only open comments where I am. And I'm there. So go say hey.]