Not That It Matters But…

Posted on the 08 May 2013 by Rielouise @MarieLouiseNoonan

I am really uneasy about the ‘Jimmy Savile’ case and associated events. I wasn ‘t going to mention this but then one of my favorite bloggers David Duff

Passed along this link:

And this led me here:

To the blog of Anna Raccoon. It is part of the series. Aside from being a damned impressive piece of writing it offers am alternative take on the reportage which is emanating from the so-called ‘mainstream media’.

My vague memories of Jimmy Savile consisted of his TV show ‘Jim’ll Fix It’. I was a bookworm as a child and my parents rationed television so I didn’t get to watch it much. An exception was Dallas on a Friday evening which we watching in the sitting room with plates of toast and homemade jam balanced on our laps.

I have tried to avoid stories about Jimmy Savile because the whole thing, to me, seems utterly pointless. The man is dead. What can this whole thing possibly achieve? I remember reading about Oliver Cromwell (star of our ill fated republic) In 1660 they had his corpse dug up, hung in chains, and beheaded. But then people were so primitive back then. Not at all like the contemporary era.