
Posted on the 01 August 2011 by Elizabethwix

I went to the beach last week and only took one photo.

In fact, I think I have ben taking altogether too many and neglecting to do any real writing or drawing.....not that the world is waiting exactly.

The real ivy looks ratty, but the shadow of it looks charming. In some ways this  is like art which can resemble life but a prettied up version of it.

The violas planted in May have got tinier and tinier. Here they are much larger than life in a shot glass with Munchen painted on it. The wheelbarrow is a post card.

Was talking to Weaver the other day about summer reading and wondered if it would be fun to post very short lists of what we have enjoyed lately.

Put your thinking cap on.

Two non fiction books.

Two very new books.

Two tried and true old friends.

I haven't even made my list yet......maybe by Wednesday?