Nothing But Catty…

Posted on the 01 August 2012 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Random Topic Tuesday has me wondering about a certain American television sports journalist.  I am talking about Andrea Kremer.  I started doing a little digging into her background to find out why she is so…well, resentful to the athletes.  I thought perhaps she had her dreams crushed somewhere along the way and perhaps tries to do that to others.  She left (or was fired) her previous job as the NFL sideline reporter for NBC.  She apparently told everyone about her potential opportunities back then to be a commentator for the 2012 Olympics.  I can’t seem to find anything that says she knows what it is like to win a gold medal.  But wait a minute…she did perform with the Philadelphia Civic Ballet Company.  Now, I know from my own experience that ballet is no joke.  Maybe she never got a starring role?  Hmm.

She also TRIPLE majored, that’s right, in English, sociology and anthropology.  Graduating from college cum laude in 1980.  So she couldn’t decide what she wanted to be when she grew up.  I get that.  I’m not sure what she did for the first two years after college, maybe rest, but she got her first job in sports in 1982.  Now, she was a sports editor, so perhaps that rekindled some dream she had during her ballet years.  It still doesn’t explain why, after all these years, she asks the most awkward and ridiculous questions of our athletes at the Olympics.

“I want to check in on the state of Michael. Walk the Phelps fans back in the U.S. off the ledge here…. Which Michael will we get to see? The one who didn’t make the podium in the 400 IM or the one who had the phenomenal split in the relay?”  Michael was too cool to tell her to jump off said ledge.  No really Michael.  Tell us how you feel.  She continues to pester him a bit more.  I was actually waiting for her to ask him if he thought smoking the cannabis pipe and partying got in the way of his dreams.  She was thinking about it, I’m sure.

When it’s all said and done, the fact remains, these people made it to the Olympics whether they medal or not and she should respect that.  I know I do.

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.”  ~Paul Coelho