Nothing Much, What’s Up With You?

Posted on the 18 June 2013 by Singingfool @singingfool1224

Mike and I got back Saturday from a mini-vacation to San Diego. This trip had several consequences:

  • I have spent Monday in the throes of exhaustion
  • I have a fun sunburn in the shape of a halter top
  • I have a million things to write about but can’t focus on any of them for sustained periods of time.

We came back early to celebrate Father’s Day, and I promptly came down with some sort of 24-hour mini-plague. Naturally, when I couldn’t stop hacking at midnight last night, I took some sleepy drugs.

Not a good idea.

When Mike dragged my ass out of bed woke me up, I think I snarled at him before demanding coffee.

This is what my brain looks like today:

So instead of a reflective post on revisiting a city in which I once lived, you get this. Me, saying “Hi, I miss you guys!” without a real purpose. But I do. Miss you, that is. Four days away feels like an eternity. Would this be considered blogging co-dependency? I don’t really care if it is, because it’s my blog and I can be an idiot on here if I want to.

Also, did you know as a bonus to going away for a weekend, pets will be ultra-cuddly upon your return? Rusty followed me from room to room when we got back Saturday night, and Mimi sat on my lap for 2 hours straight. She then sat on my keyboard when I tried to type this.

I love going on vacation.

“OMG, NEVER LEAVE AGAIN you guys!!!!”