In the media many times women are not well represented, there isn’t always a diversity in physical attributes or race and then by chance we finally find somebody who we identify with, but is this the image we want portrayed of us? Not quite.
Meet Bayonetta, she is what the world thinks of me. Bayonetta is one of the first if not the only main female video game character that wears glasses. Many girls have been playing videogames and discovering that they can not identify themselves with anyone in the games they play, the truth is they don’t fit the stereotype. They are not a white male, they are hardly the main character. I was that little girl. Recently I found myself, I was a strong women , born in Europe, who is fighting to recover 500 years of memory that were lost in time. I am the main character , I battle evil in armor just like every other warrior , but the difference is my armor is my hair and I battle naked when using it as a weapon. I walk down a battle stricken world with an arm on my waist like I am going down a catwalk , and I blow kisses to open gates, as if it were impossible for a women to find keys.
I have been stereotyped , I am a warrior, but I am a woman, incapable of being afforded proper clothing, I have been given the responsibility of keeping players eyes on the screen with my tight outfits and still need to use a sultry voice to get what I want, I am a warrior, but I am a woman. Every other turn I take I am fighting as a sexy librarian in the Mummy, or a seductive genetics research specialist in Fantastic four, that is all the media shows me I can be.
Lets show those little girls , those young ladies , those women that they don’t have to be somebody, they just have to be them. All women can be fabulous, yet the media seems to only want to see the generic side of us. Be empowered, Be the real you. What you see in the media isn’t real, its what companies think people want to see, show them you already see the world perfectly, you see you, because you, are perfect.
Natalia Martinez, a new media student at Cedar Crest College, is a student who is all too aware of how the media influences her and others. Always passionate about social justice, she has made it a point to explore and bring injustices and misrepresentations to light by using the same media that portrays them, You can follow her personal account @NataliaDeJesusM. During her spare time she enjoys playing video games, and scouring the app store for the latest mobile games! Follow her geeky musings @GeekFemme or find your way to her blog mode2geek.wordpress.com Image Credit:
Bayonetta- by Homaredou Susan Storm- www.aceshowbiz.com Eve o' Conell - ifiweresteadfastasthouart.tumblr.com