Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 14 December 2011 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hey guys! What did one snowman say to the other snowman???


Does it smell like Carrot??

I don’t think I’ve said this yet but……………

**Happy Holidays**

are you getting all your shopping, baking, present making, wrapping, traveling done? I’m slowly chipping away at mine but I don’t feel like my list will ever be completely crossed off.


It’s below freezing at my office these days. I work in an un-insulated cement building and I promise you it’s at least 15 degrees colder inside than it is outside. I’m adding Sorrel boots, a new NorthFace Fleece Jacket and ear muffs to my Christmas list. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Confused smile

I won a Giveaway!!!

I always get 117% surprised when I win because I’ve only won 1 other time and I’ve never won anything else so…….


Hilary over at Hungry Healthy Hilary (one of my ultimate favorite blogs) hosted a giveaway for these NuNaturals stevia products. Hilary is one cool cat and she rocks my socks with above awesome soups, oven roasted tomato dishes and she even went Gluten Free and added a bunch of GF recipes to her recipe page. Thanks Hilary for having a GREAT giveaway and sending me all these goodies.


I’ve been a stevia user for many years. Mainly in my teas and (before I started seeing a witchdoctor homeopathic physician) coffees. I love that it’s 200% natural, has no effect on blood sugar and tastes great.


I’m loving my first tastes of NuNaturals white stevia powder. It made my usual awake tea with almond milk perfectly sweet and delicious. :mrgreen:


The super sweet people in Oregon who run NuNaturals also sent me a Pure Vanilla Stevia to be used in replacement of vanilla extract and Stevia Baking Blend to use instead of sugar while baking!


Thanks NuNaturals!!! I feel like the Queen of Stevia-land. The best part is then sent me a HUGE stack that looks kinda like Jack’s Beanstalk on my counter of recipes to try with all the stevia products. Now with a few adjustments (gluten/dairy free) I’ll be baking away. Get ready for cookie recipes people!!


Along with my tea that –lets face it –completely took over my breakfast excitement, I had 2 slices of Udi’s GF bread with grape jam and a fried egg on top. I added 4 exceedingly ripe strawberries to my plate and called it balanced. ;-)


Strawberries are grown right here in Salinas! We’re too cool for other berries like that. ;-) But I figured we were way wAY past strawberry season but these were little bites of berry bliss.


And my eggs were 4 ways of perfect. The key with egg-on-toast is to have the yolks wet yet not runny. This is quite a challenge and I’m pretty convinced that the guys in Mensa couldn’t figure out how to accomplish this every single time they make egg-on-toast.

Cha-Cha-Changes are a comin’

About a week ago I found a graphic designer that I LOVE!! I’m obsessed with her work and I had to take the opportunity to work with her. She’s in the process of designing a new look for Maren’s Morsels.

Expect to see some litter changes around here in the next few weeks and a BIG change once she’s done designing my banner. I always do my own designs for my blog, and they look okay but I’ve never really felt like they represented what this blog is all about. This will make my blog a little more official and way more fun to snoop around on. Keep your eyes pealed for the reveal!!

Have you ever used stevia???


How do you feel about boots with fur?

I like uggs but the Sorrel boots have fur like jetting out in all directions……………

Does sorbet froyo count as froyo???

I’m asking because I did it and I’m not sure if I committed a froyo crime?

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