Obama's Sister to Visit Jakarta Next Week

Posted on the 31 May 2012 by Arwinkim


Obama's sister, Dr Maya Kassandra Soetoro-Ng to visit Jakarta next week. This Indonesia-America woman will be speaker in a discussion held in American Cultural Center @america in Jakarta.The discussion themed 'Education For Global Competence' will be held on June 5th 2012 in @america, located in Pacific Place Mall, Jakarta. The discussion will be started at 2PM - 4PM Indonesia western time.In the discussion, Maya will be Adjunct Education Fellow at the East-West Center and also as Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Moderator of the discussion is The Head of Magister America Study, Dr Iried Agoes.
Maya and Obama were born by the same mother, Ann Dunham, from Kansas, US. Maya's father-in-law was Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian man. Maya was born in St Carolus Hospital, Jakarta August 15th 1970. After being some years in Indonesia, Maya was back to Hawaii. Obama' mother was cultural anthropologist died becaue of cancer in 1995. Now, Maya is working at University of Hawaii. She can speak Bahasa and Spanish.
Source: Detik.