Obsession, #1214

Posted on the 29 August 2015 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

If you talk to any blogger about blogging, you would quickly discover how important our stats (statistics) of our websites are to us.  Personally, I am in constant watch of mine all day long.  I love to know who’s reading what and from what country.  It’s so cool when you see that your posts are being read by people in Sri Lanka and Singapore and in Japan.  Stats paint a big picture of a blog’s readership, but they just can’t possibly tell you everything.

This morning I woke up with a notice from my blog hosting site congratulating me with a message stating that my “stats are booming.”  A-first-thing-in-the-morning congratulatory message is a little unusual.  Usually, the views to my site happen after I post something.  I had to check this out.

As it ends up, all of these “booming stats” were due to someone obsessively searching and viewing posts about one of my friends.  A little weird, huh?  I wonder what gives.  Do I tell my friend and most likely unnecessarily worry them?  There is no way to know any other information except that pictures and articles about this person were being viewed multiple times in a very short span of time.

What would you do in my shoes?  It is weird, don’t you think?

Well….songs about obsession are always a little fun.  There are so many believe it or not, but I’m going with the 80’s tune simply titled “Obsession” by Animotion, because one thing I know for sure – somebody was definitely obsessing last night.