[October 24]: Stranger Of Mine

Posted on the 24 October 2012 by Sarahkasm @Sarahkasm
Even a stranger’s love is not enough.
Though when they leave their seats vacant,
The chill of the breeze enclosing
Where their warmth protected me
Aches dreadfully
But even a stranger’s love is not enough.
The smile and nod, the small talk
The understanding, the opening up
The you look pretty, the I love your shirt
The your baby is beautiful
The feeling of solidarity
The revolution, the change,
The latest charity: Save Our Brothers and Sisters in Humanity
The news, national economics,
Running late in traffic,
Clinking of coins collected for the metro train sellers
And beggars old enough to have birthed our fathers
Laughing at weird jokes,
Looking over each other’s newspapers
And study notes
A new store opened up


Best prices, you will find this sort of material there
The chasing of the rogue boys out
It’s obvious you two are in love,

But this is a women’s only carriage

Pushing and shoving against larger bodies
Why are you women here complaining?

There are carriages dedicated for your nagging
The tense arguing,
Rolling eyes at the prude,
Laughing whispers
Shutting down the rude,
Human chain the abuse,
Brothers and sisters
And that warmth they exude,
I don’t know you

But I’m here for you if you need it
Shoulders to shoulders,
Feet to feet
Even a stranger’s love is not enough
To make me forget my lonely
State of mind:
For, stranger of mine,
I had all of it with you.
October Poetry: in the style of April Poetry (U.S. National Poetry Month),U.K's poetry month is October.
Personal Mission: 31 days, 31 poems.
Challenge Accepted.
Link to others: http:// sarahkasm.tumblr.com/october-poetry-2012