Ode to the Fupa

Posted on the 23 October 2011 by Lisagooswinsmith @lisasmith4182
OMG!  This is so awkward.  I'm so glad we're all women.....Right?!?!? (this is where you men are supposed to take the hint and not read past this point).
There are those areas that seem like they just won't go away.  There is no muscle, so you can't work it out.  You just hope it works itself out with the rest of your body but each time you look, you see the changes everywhere, except there.  GRRRR!!!!
Well, the fupa is one of those areas that I was very worried about resisting change because there isn't anything you can do to work that area.  For the past year, I really haven't paid too much attention to how it looks.  It stays covered for the most part.  I mean I've seen it (of course). But, I just never really took notice of any change since there couldn't be any.
While I was at the gym last night, weighting myself without any clothes on.  I took a good look in the mirror to see what areas I needed to work on the hardest.  I'm very proud to say, since a fupa post I made @ Cafe Mom a while back, I've lost 60 pounds. But, I have 15 pounds to go and I need to continue to tighten and tone up as I go along.  It's a work in progress.
As I slowly spun around, I thought about the not so tight looking skin and how could I solve that problem.  I thought of possible surgery or maybe there was something not so intrusive and more natural that I just hadn't heard of yet that I could do. Then, I remembered.... the ugly fupa!  Oh no!  What about the fupa? How could I fix that?  Was there a cure? 
I turned back around to see my frontal view, squinting my eyes because I was so afraid of what I was going to see. I'm sure by now it was going to be absolutely hideous!  My shoulders were tense and I gritted my teeth.  I thought the mirror was going to crack.  I didn't know how I was going to explain that to the gym owner.  "Yes, my fupa did it."  I don't think he would let me back in the gym ever again.  So many things raced through my mind that I thought it was playing tricks on me when I didn't see the fupa.
I widened my eyes to get a better view.  I even put my hand on it!  I had to touch it to believe it and make sure it was really mine.  Call me a doubting Thomas.  If I was a man, I would slap myself!  The fupa was truly gone! 
So the moral of the story is, most fupas do go away with diet and exercise.  I say most because I only had one. I'm sure there are others with different stories.  It still isn't exactly tiny, yet.  But, it's no fupa!
Someone asked me if I ever figured out how to get rid of it to let her know.  I hope she gets to read this.