Of Calories, Strength and Joy

Posted on the 07 July 2012 by Thisisunedited

It’s not just about the calories I burn and the strength I build. I keep running within the metropolis parks because in every run, I keep discovering new things about the city. I continue knowing myself. It makes me appreciate life. It gives me joy in understanding myself and my surroundings. After all, happy people are those who know how to appreciate a simple view no matter what or where it is. It just requires one to know himself, looking at the brighter side of every thing, every time.

But that was yesterday. It has been 5 months since I last jogged. Not out of my not wanting or doing it because I was limited to not doing it, medically. I had a spine surgery early in February. It really was not my choice but a decision me and my surgeon had to jointly decide on because of the need. And the rest is history.

Today, I am feeling all the pain in my legs. And back. Again.

Tomorrow? It has become uncertain since the day I was promised by the surgeon to become better and be able to go back to my usual activities in a period of two months. I was told to be able to go back to swimming, running and surfing. To date, I still am not able to do any of these.

Wherefore now, will the calories, strength and joy take their abode?