Of Kings and Queens

Posted on the 31 January 2013 by Chhavivatwani @chhavivatwani

This is for all you Queens, or the Queens-to-be
Also, for all the Kings out there, or the Kings-to-be
And when I say, "Live life King- (or Queen-) size"
Believe me, I mean every word I speak
Be not a Kings guard
Or the people of the King
You've only one life to live
Do not settle for a life less big
Be the King for your own
Know the life of one in power; alone.
Find all the prowess that you need
Take inspiration from the Game of Thrones
When life starts to fall apart
Be a King and think suitably
Take decisions, your life in your own hands
Think how a King would go about it blatantly
Think not of your own self
But think about your people
What could you do for them
To give them a roof, their daily staple?
Do that and you will find
Happiness for yourself in the end; I say
Blow away fickle competitors who
Come in your conquest's way
And when times be good
Wear your favorite dresses even at home
Prepare Kingly feasts and surround yourself
With your people - the beautiful and the handsome.