Diaries Magazine

Oh, Hey Friday!

Posted on the 26 September 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
Top 5 Things I'm Looking Forward To:   o Anniversary pictures next week.  I can't believe that Brian and I have been married almost a year! Married life is even more special than I dreamed and prayed it would be for us.  I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in all the coming years.      o Cozy sweaters.  All during the summer, I've been cleaning out Kohl's clearance racks of sweaters.  They were all $5/each and I could not let a deal like that pass.  Now with the temps starting to cool down, I'm anxiously awaiting wearing them!   o Coffee.  Anyone who knows me a little, knows I adore a cup of coffee.  Going right along with those big comfortable sweaters is a great cup of coffee and a book.  Fall brings out so many new flavors to try in your coffee.  And don't kill me for this, but a Pumpkin Spice Latte is NOT on my order list.  I'm not a fan of pumpkin.  Sorry.   o Good Books sometimes get made into movies.  Earlier, I reviewed Gone Girl and loved it.  Coming to theaters on October 3 is the movie release.  Normally, a movie cannot light a fire to the book, but Ben Affleck is starring in this film.  That's a win, win for me!   I'm also going to participate in my sweet blog friend's #OperationReadYourShelves challenge.  Go visit Lauren's blog, 34 Magnolia Street, for more information.   34 Magnolia Street    o Booties.  Lately, I've been eyeing some totally cute booties for the upcoming fall/winter.  I can't wait to finally wear the one's I've let slip into my shopping bag! ;)  Are you going to be wearing booties these year?! I would love to hear your opinion! I am thinking I will wear them with leggings, dresses, and skinny jeans. 
Oh, hey Friday!HAPPY FRIDAY!  
Oh, hey Friday!

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