Oh How...Oh Never Mind

Posted on the 02 May 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
Here is the truth...I am a blogger which means my real life is much less interesting than it seems on my blog. Go figure. Let's get real sisters (and maybe that one brother out there), I don't have time for Pinterest. I am a grad student, full time career woman, wife, and overall super woman. I even detail my own car people, that's big. This week, I just don't have time for pinning, or searching for pins so I am not. I am boycotting pinning this week. For all of you who get up at 6 am to write your posts, and can just pin away until you're in a pinning stupor, good for you. I really like my sleep. I also prefer to not pin at midnight because I get a little loopy at night. I also can't pin at work because that just looks freakin lazy and it looks like I am off task.
Here's what I got to say about pinning this week. Have you said this?
Seriously, I have seen that pin 234568346639204 times. Enough already.  Oh her hair is cute. I could NEVER do that.  Why can't I find that look at Target?  I wonder if Target has that for cheaper? I know where that's from. Target. Crap, its from Anthropologie. Moving on.  I wish I could just pin all day long.  Why can't I pin for a living?  Why can't my closet look like my Pinterest closet?  Forget pinning! It just makes me green with envy.  I am so mad at her, she stole my idea off of Pinterest.  I am stealing her idea from Pinterest.  Oh that's cute. That's cute.  That's SO organized.  That's like OCD organized.  I think I may have OCD.  I am following way too many people on Pinterest.  I wish I had more followers on Pinterest.  Her boards are so organized.  Why are my boards so lame and stupid? 
Happy Not Pinning Day!  I apologize for the sarcasm. Kinda.