Oh Writer's Blog

Posted on the 03 April 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
Oh I cannot stand writer's block. It hit me so hard today, and look at me, I am writing about it. One thing I have learned about blogging is everything can become a post. It can be hard sometimes to even decide what is post-worthy anymore. I try to come up with interesting, or funny, or even insightful content, but today I have very little. Do you know what I am talking about?
At times I get overwhelmed with the "missed opportunity". The thought of, "Oh I should have taken that picture", or "I should have prepared that sooner". In my life right now, its hard to even get from one day to the next without forgetting to do something, or missing something, or forgetting to do something...Wait did I already say that? I feel like I have so much I want to write about, but very little life to back it up. Right now if we were going to have shadow "Melissa in Life Day", you would be very bored or shocked at how much I have to do. There is very little I want to do that I am actually able. I take it as the phase I am in. 
Hopefully, I will be stepping up my blog game. I have to. I want to so badly. Until then, you get this writer writing about writer's block on her blog.