OMG Guys. I Got A Fucking AWARD.

Posted on the 20 January 2012 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
I guess bloggers do this?  They award each other?  It seems a little like chain mail, from what I can gather, except it's exclusive chain mail (not the kind you send to your grandma and your seat mate from 2nd grade and your cousin's boyfriend's sister).  Also it's a way for bloggers to acknowledge one another's hard work and/or complete and utter genius.
Anyway, I got nominated by B (who is awesome, btdubs) for the Overlord Award:

Here's what I'm supposed to do:
Post the award and the rules on your blog.
List 3 things you would change if you were overlord.
List 10 blogs you think are worthy of world domination.
Leave them a message in their comment sections with a link saying you chose them.
So here goes....
If I were Overlord, I would change the following things:
1. Legalize gay marriage, because...I mean come on.
2. Schools would start serving healthy, fresh, delicious food, and there would be such things taught as cooking, dancing, interior decorating, legit home ec (meaning teach the damn kids how to pay their damn bills, do their damn taxes, and clean their damn fucking bathtubs), gardening, etc.  Kids would get to have more classes outdoors, more field trips, more would involve studying books only about half the time, and the rest would be spent moving, being active, experiencing, living.
3. Firefly would get back on TV, and Veronica Mars would get a movie deal.
Now I get to pick ten other bloggers to give this award to, and keep the chain letter going!  We don't hate these yet, you see...partially because it means we get awards and also because it's still fresh enough.  I mean hate on them as much as you want now, every one of you was into chain emails in 1999, and in 1994 you were doing the same thing with paper letters.
*Drum roll*
1. The Concrete Loves My Shoes.  Jason Simone is adorable, hilarious, and insightful.  His blog is absolutely always a joy to read.  And he has the best cocktail recipe ever, VodCake!
2. Awkward Sex & The City.  This girl is super hilarious, and talks about sex all the time.  Also she hates Dora the Explorer, which is a double win in my book.
3. Tristachio: Just A Family Of Nuts.  Tristachio is fucking hilarious.  She's one of my favorite bloggers, for realsies...I mean the candy blowjobs and Ben Franklin jokes alone are enough, and then she just keeps topping herself.
4. Smile Big And Pretty.  Starting to notice a trend here?  Yup.  Hilarity.  I like to read funny blogs.  Jas is awesome, guys.  Also adorable.  Did I mention adorable?
5. The Sassy Curmudgeon.  You don't even notice when she's talking about her baby.  THAT'S HOW FUNNY SHE IS.
6. A Few French Fries Short Of A Happy Meal.  Stephanie Iris=awesome.  And super relatable.  And hilarious.  Seriously you guys, you really think I would read anything that wasn't funny?  I'm not that deep on the internet.  You really shouldn't be surprised.
7. From Parties To Diapers.  A few things.  1. Hayley is super funny.  2. Hayley is just getting her blog up and running and could totes use some post ideas.  3. Hayley's my sister.  AND BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER.  (Does that saying even make any sense?  I mean, I suppose it's a scientifically true statement, but....what's the point?  I mean who was comparing it to water?  And what does water have to do with it?  Maybe blood is what you have in common with your family, and yeah, it's thick...but is water what you have in common with your friends or something?  I mean, it really doesn't make any sense.  I'm just saying.)
8. Brave Days.  Sarah is pretty awesome, and sweet.  She's funny too, like the others, but in more of a girlfriends-and-makeovers kind of way, which is refreshing even to someone who gets along better with dudes.  Because who doesn't need girlfriends sometimes?  Even dudes need to giggle and drink margaritas in their pj's every once in a while.  True story.
9. A Beer For The Shower.  Surprisingly enough, there aren't all that many male bloggers out there.  But Bryan and Brandon are TWO of them, on the SAME blog!  And they're funny.  You guys should check them out.
10. Chicken Maker.  Don't ask me why this is so funny.  It just is.  This guy just...draws chickens.  In MS Paint.  I'm for serial, guys.  It's really funny.
Wheeeeeeeee I love promoting other blogs!  This is really fun.  It really is.
Y'all are the best.  More soon, I promise.  :)