Diaries Magazine
I start my day with tea and breakfast - that is, tea and breakfast are some of the first things that happens every morning. As the rest of our family is sleeping in on Saturdays, I am having my early meal in the kitchen. In wintertime it's often cooked or baked oat meal or yogurt with granola and sometimes berries. I have found this nice and easy recipe on homemade granola (I'll post it here tomorrow) - just 3 tablespoons of the granola gives a nice and a bit sweet taste.
The kitchen window is towards east, so the light is lovely in the mornings ... Thus Sunday morning I grabbed my phone and took a snapshot. I have added one of Kim's beautiful textures, Lisa, first with multiply blendmode 55%, then with luminosity blendmode 7%. Therafter I brushed the texture away from the teacup and bowl.
You may have noticed, that I have watermarked this picture ... Not as "Thoughst and Images Along the Way", but as "Nina Marianna Photo". There's many reflections behind the watermarking ... I experienced this weekend that someone had "borrowed" one of my photos from the blog and set it on their profile on Instagram, as if the person had taken the picture. I had set a watermark on that photo, but it was cropped away. This somehow made me rethink the issue of watermarking - that motivates me to start to use it again. Well - these things happen - people "borrow" pictures, without maybe thinking about it at all.
The positive reflection, which I want to focus on, is that a few friends have showed an interest in having some of my photos on their wall - that is an accompliment! So in that sense, I have been thinking about how to "sign" the photos, and also about a possibility for a flexible and easy place on the web, where it would be possible to have a gallery of some of the selected photos, with a possebility that people could order some prints.
Just a few small, tiny thoughts ... But as a start, I thought of watermarking the pictures with either "Nina Marianna" or "Nina Marianna Photo". (Marianna is my 2nd name :)
I would like to hear your thoughts on watermarks...
Happy Tuesday to you!
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Texture Tuesday Sweet Shot Tuesday Texture Twist