Self Expression Magazine

on My Summer Bucket List...

Posted on the 17 June 2012 by Calicotales @calicotales

on my summer bucket list...
Summer has a tendency to fly by. I'm sure most of you can relate. What's up with that? I think it's always fun to think up a list of things you would like to do in the summer. Things that you've never done or just things that are simply perfect for the summer months ahead. It helps me with ideas when a day pops up here or there when nothing is planned and you are sitting at home trying to not let yourself say I'm bored (which by the way, I rarely ever do. It's the other two in my house that need keep with simulation!). I hope to keep this tradition not only as a list for myself but for my family or even a list that Sebastian can think up (when he gets a little older) that way there is always something that can be done and boredom doesn't set in. Good thinkin' huh?! Here is my summer list, a mixture of family things and a few of "me" things...
1\\ read, read & read some more.I already shared my summer reading list and I hope to spend these months turning pages and being sucked into worlds unknown. I've seem many lovely book lists around the blogoshere and it's always excited to see what other people are planning on reading. I actually have added onto my list after seen some really great books on few blogs! Have you compiled a list for yourself yet? 
2\\ pack a picnic and eat at the park.This is something we don't do enough and I love picnics. It's something about being on a thick blanket on the grass eat a simple light lunch or dinner enjoying the outdoors and being together. The mood is always pleasant and fun. I hope to do this more an a few things this summer and appreciate some new parks in our area! 
3\\ make homemade popsicles & ice cream!Yummm...Pinterst is blowing up with neat popsicle creations with colorful fruits and I've always wanted to make my own ice cream or frozen yogurt. I think it's looking like there might be an awesome ice cream party in the future?! 
4\\ Dorney Park.We have season passes to Dorney Park. My wonderful husband did some work on one of his friends cars and because he wouldn't except payment from his friend he in returned gifted us with season passes to Dorney. Hurrah! Yesterday was one of those bogo days for us, we didn't have any plans at all and so last minute Friday we decided that we would head to the theme park for the day. It was a great day and Sebastian's first time there this season. Fun filled days at Dorney Park this summer is of course on the list! 
5\\ camp out in the backyard & make s'mores. I think Sebastian will get a kick out of this and it would a nice family activity to do. Snuggle in sleeping bags, roast hot dogs and make s'mores. 
6\\ all day family hike.Bobby and I hiked in Snoqualmie Falls the day after we got married and we loved it. I've sworn to hike more often after that! I want to pack a picnic and our backpacks and take Sebastian hiking. Adventure in the great outdoors and take lots of photos. 
7\\ put some purple in my hair! This is something I've wanted to do for a while. I would love to dye my whole head purple but because I probably wouldn't be able to really keep up with it, I am planning to put some cute peek-a-boo highlights of lavender. Something new, excited and what I need in my life at this moment. 
8\\ grow a veggie-licious garden.I planted my garden and after giving some TLC I hope to have a very lush garden full of veggies. I have a strong desire of lots of tomatoes and because I have two different tomato plants I should get just that! With whatever tomatoes I don't end up eating I want to can for  the winter months. Canned homemade red sauce at my disposal, I think so! 
9\\ complete four D.I.Y projects-- two of those with Sebastian!I have so many do-it-your-own projects that I've started and not finished. I am set on finishing them and showing you all. 
10\\ go on a date to a drive-in movie.Never been to a drive-in movie and summer would be a perfect time to cross this off my bucket list. Sweet date with my man, love it!
...and make every moment count!!!
What's on your summer bucket list? 
on my summer bucket list...

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