On Regrets

Posted on the 03 February 2021 by Kalyanlahkar

If you are in your tweens or older then you must have had regrets in your life, unless off course if you are perfect. We all have had regrets in our life. We still might feel sad regretting studying the wrong field, taking up the wrong job, proposing/not proposing love to someone, etc. It’s part and parcel of life I guess and dare I say regrets are what makes us human.

We(most of us) are not perfect and thus it is quite natural to make the wrong decisions out of impulse/emotion/peer pressure/lack of information etc. But then whether those decisions were wrong or right is a matter up for debate. Surely it might look foolish now but then it might have made perfect sense to do something.

We should not judge yesterday’s actions using today’s yardsticks. We grow wiser with age and thus those decisions and the things we regret might have shaped what we are today. Surely we might have been happier without those but we can’t change our pasts but we can choose to make peace with it.