Self Expression Magazine

“On the Move”@The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

Posted on the 19 September 2013 by Stephanie Garrett @Stephanieg3360

Dinosaur Hall exhibit

“On the Move” spent the day at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles and this museum houses some of the greatest collections of artifacts and exhibits in the world, including Dinosaur Hall, which houses more than 300 real fossils and 20 complete dinosaurs. The Gem & Minerals Hall, my personal favorite, houses one of the largest exhibits of natural gemstones, pearls, and gold in the world. If you are a jewelry enthusiast like I am, you’ll have a tough time pulling yourself away from here!  The Building Los Angeles exhibit has artifacts from the 1800s up until today and shows how Los Angeles came to be. That exhibit also includes a California history exhibit along with a Hollywood exhibit, which is about the emergence of the film industry.

Then there’s cool exhibits such as Age of Mammals Hall and the African Mammal Hall. We also got a chance to see the Ancient Latin America Art exhibit, Bird Hall, and the very beautiful Nature Gardens. We visited two cool gift shops and the downstairs Triamana grill where we had lunch. The food there was very good!  We had the best time here at the museum, and it was a very educational experience! Seeing all the beautiful art, artifacts, and exhibits was awesome! This is a very big museum, so if you plan to go, plan on being there a full day.  Make sure you check the  museum website for full details, and don’t forget to check out my show “On the Move” where you’ll see some cool, fun highlights of our visit!~

Dinosaur Hall

The Gem Hall

The Grounds of the museum

The Hollywood exhibit

The African Mammal Hall

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