…once More with Feeling

Posted on the 08 August 2012 by Zer @the2women

…and a ribbon

It will never cease to amaze me the amount of poise and grace, not to mention the athletic ability, gymnasts possess.  It will also never cease to amaze me that such a subjective event is an Olympic event (that goes for you too diving and synchronized swimming).

Before the fans of these events descend upon me, I want to reiterate that I do enjoy watching them.  Plus, remember that part where I said they never cease to amaze me? Meant every word.

So, tomorrow begins another round of gymnastics, of a different sort–rhythmic gymnastics. Once again, this is girls only.  Sorry boys you only get to be artistic with your gymnastics.

The world of rhythmic gymnastics is found at the intersection of floor routines and interpretive dance (of the ballet variety).  There are hoops, ribbons, balls, clubs (not of the violent sort, but that would make it more exciting)–it’s basically Cirque du Soleil without the aerial portions.

Plus, there are group performances…I mean competitions.

Basically it’s fun to watch and imagine all the ways you would seriously injure yourself if you even attempted the simplest of these routines.  It may be subjective, but it’s awfully pretty.


London 2012: Rhythmic Gymnastics

…bi-daily smile…