One Busy, Rewarding December Weekend

Posted on the 17 December 2014 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
One Busy, Rewarding December WeekendYes, I have posted a ton of pictures from this past weekend, and I probably could have added even more! But someday, when I am reading a book of this blog, I will be so very happy and grateful to look back on this special weekend, and that is really what these posts are all about, for me - preserving memories the best I can. If you saw my Instagram post from last week, then you know I have been behind on everything - laundry, shopping, stalls, cleaning, you name it, I'm probably behind in it! However, the weekend was a crowing moment in a two week period of intense scheduling stress. It started on Friday with the Kidsports volleyball tournament, which we were lucky to even get to. Our pickup's alternator went out at the Coburg Dari Mart on our way home. Some intense moments there! But our awesome mechanic down the road and a good Samaritan got us started, and we were able to get home, feed Brailey and get her gear and to the tournament in the nick of time. Phew! It could have been a different story, entirely, and we are grateful it turned out so well. The girls had four games. They won their first three in a row easily. They had a little break in between the third and fourth, though, and they had to fight for their fourth game - they weren't playing their best. But they did it! Below, the referee is one of my friends - she hired me when I worked at the Law School. Her name is Della, and it was fun to see her after all these years. She was at the school when Brailey was born and the little mascot of the Law School (they let me bring her to work with me for a while, and the Dean would make his way up to see her every single morning - he just loved her! All the faculty and staff did.) Who would have thought she would be reffing Brailey's games twelve years later?
One Busy, Rewarding December WeekendBrai (as she likes to be called, now) in her bright pink Nike Elite socks from our beloved Renee. She loves these socks!
One Busy, Rewarding December WeekendThey were taking selfies and having a nice time with each other in between the third and fourth games. This team was special and full of incredibly sweet and kind girls. Brailey made some wonderful new friends! Two of the girls are on her Webfoot volleyball team, as well.
Saturday and Sunday required early morning wake-up calls, as we had to be at the pool for Britt's warm ups. This was his big TEAM Winter Open Meet, and he did really well! On Sunday, he clocked a new time standard in his 100 Free, so he is on his way to improving and getting faster. Lots of folks remarked on how much his strokes have improved. He is still planning on being in the 2020 Olympics, and Brady and I are so proud of him for his dedication and try. He has also made some good friends, and they were both at this meet, which was really nice for them.
Checking in with Coach Britta. My goodness, when did he become as tall as her?!
His buddy Charlie - Charley moved up to another group, and so they haven't been able to see each other for months due to different practice times. Charley's mom told me he has really missed Britt and been a bit lonely without him. In fact, I think it was summer when they last saw one another. They had a big time playing games on the Kindle and just talking and being boys.
Below, their friend Varun, who is also a great kid. I thought it was so cute how all three of them were checking their arms for their races to see which ones they were in together. All three of them swam amazing races and did well!
And that's a wrap for the swimming portion of our weekend. I would like to note we were able to fit Mass in on Saturday evening, so that was a nice plus for us, as we struggle to fit it in at times with our work schedules.
And here we are, Sunday afternoon, in the Championship Bracket of the tournament. I grabbed Coach David before they went into the gym for some fun candids. In the one below, they are smiling their sweet smiles. In the next one, I said, "Give me a pose!" And he said, "Okay, how about a police line up pose?" And they said, "What's that? How do we look?" And he said, "You look very serious, like you are in trouble but trying not to be." Of course, they couldn't pull it off, and lots of giggles ensued. David is a Lieutenant in the police force, if you didn't know. He was such a blessing to these girls and they were so lucky to have him for their coach - he didn't even have a kid on the team and dedicated himself to their success. He is an amazing person! And his wife Kristen came to the tournament and kept books for the team, which was really great of her to do, and thank goodness she did, because the score keepers had the wrong scores many times! It was so fun to get to visit with her for even a few minutes - I am an excellent judge of character, and I knew she was an amazing person the second I met her!
Above, the two Catholics. They prayed before their games on Sunday, right on the court, complete with the sign of the cross. It was darling! I am so proud of them for being proud Catholics. Brailey and Megan (that's her name) have become good friends, and I predict seeing them go through their Confirmations together someday.
And they won! They had to fight for it - it wasn't easy. But in the end, they out played and out coached the other teams. They were the only team in their division with all overhand serving and "three hits" per ball - most of the teams they played were ping ponging it instead of passing, setting and hitting. Did I mention we had a really good coach?!
Coach David may be a tough cop, but he has a tender soul. He gave the medals to the parents to put on their daughter. It was a really special moment for everyone. Brailey said, "I almost cried when Dad put the medal on me!" So did her mother... I had to work hard to choke those tears back.
And happy, proud parents, too!
Brailey gave Coach David a volleyball signed by everyone with their numbers and then she made him a card that looks like a donut on the front and a volleyball with a thank you on the back. Above, they are sharing a hug after she gave him her card and thanked him.
I was so excited, my hair got all mussed! This picture of the four of us cracks me up - we had two people taking our picture, so Brailey and Brady are looking at one camera while Britt and I are looking at the other one. We're a funny family, to say the least, and funny lookin', too!
Brai with Megan above and Sara below. She and Sara were so lucky to be the setters on the team, and they did a great job! They've been in the same class since second grade. They are also setting on their Webfoot team. We love Sara and her dad!
Proud moments. We celebrated the weekend with dinner at Applebee's, and it was delicious! It was an incredibly busy weekend full of activities, but one we will never forget.