One City|One Project|One Goal|One Heart|One Day|I Record|PROJECT 111111

Posted on the 04 November 2011 by Singcolinquisitor @lexuzinquisitor
The LOVE in your heart wasn't put there to stay --- Love isn't LOVE till you give it away!---Oscar Hammerstein---

The One City, One Project, One Goal, One Heart, One Day, I Record ---PROJECT 111111 is a collective effort of the different entities, maybe private or public to gather donations such as reusable clothes, shoes, books and others. On November 11, 2011 all the donations will be gathered and sorted. Clothes will be weighed with the hope to beat a Guinness World Record that is "Most Clothes Collected in 24 Hours" a title which achieved by the ASDE Explorer of Murcia, Spain with a collected weighed clothes of 6, 880 kg.
The project targeted a total of 11,000 kg. of clothes to beat the world record and after the weighing, these clothes will be given and distributed to certain localities that are identified who needs it the most.
Now! are you willing to be part of this noble cause? Then, this is your time to prove to anyone who you are.
Well, below is the song of my favorite singer Declan Galbraith "Tell me Why," which I find very inspiring. For me, this song inspired me a lot in such a way that it encourage me to give and be a part of this noble project. Giving is something better than just whining...isn't it?

Lets prove to everyone, that the people of Iligan do not just ask, why? Instead we are one people, who knows what to do. We are people who love nothing, but each other.