One Moment Where Writing Was Righting & I Just Felt Better

Posted on the 22 August 2013 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot

From #augustmoon13 Kat writes: We are about to enter into a gentler season i.e. Autumn/Fall if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere. For me, these seasons often feel like a relief after the intensity of Summer and Winter. How do you intend to transition into the new season?

I write this morning as I know by afternoon our temperatures will most likely be in the triple digits – again – and the relentless sun feels not a single bit like “gentling” (which I doubt is even a word.)

I have been so stressed (I’ll take responsibility - chosen to be so stressed) for the past weeks leading up to this first week of school – that it feels almost wobbly that nothing bad has happened unless you count loss of sleep. Emma hasn’t complained about transferring to her new high school. Samuel hasn’t complained about his new junior high school. When I have been mindful and grateful and actually used what I know, I feel so much better.

Like right now, just writing and righting I feel so much better.

Just Writing (and Righting!) this I feel better - Sometimes Making an Intentionally Gentle Transition from Season to Season is the best way to do it.

Another very cool awareness is this: I have noticed is with the earlier hours I get the children up and out earlier and I have more quiet me time in the early, early morning. Today, for example, I have written contemplatively three times. I have myself on a workable, self-love filled schedule that honors my natural rhythms and gifts.

I have been gentle with myself on the self care realm, allowing myself to feel whatever comes up.

Last night, for example, I sat on my porch and cried. I wanted and needed to cry so I did. I spent a lot of time in meditative quiet, too, touching my heart upon many areas that needed the darkness and the cobwebs swept away. As I did so, lots of tapes and flashbacks paid me visits. Some word-combinations I didn’t consciously remember, yet I could see how clearly they had shaped my beliefs.

I let myself be. I’m working on that throughout this season as I deal with several exciting and yet challenging endeavors. I am not into the whole push, push, push thing doctor’s order some pregnant women to do. I breathed my babies out, so now I will focus on breathing my projects and challenging endeavors out – healthy, whole and feeling however I need to feel in whatever present moment I find myself.

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